Læste lige den her:
- og besluttede straks at droppe det relativt dyre abonnement på GPS-positionering, som min bil er forsynet med, og erstatte det med en AirTag syet ind i madrassen.
Nogen her i forum, der allerede benytter AirTag til at spore deres egen bil?
PS. Burde der i øvrigt ikke være en kategori for AirTag?
EDIT: Ups - så dog lige denne kommentar under artiklen: "The thing about that is that the AirTag makes annoying noises every so often when you get in the car if it’s been a while. Which is fine if you disable the speaker like I did on mine. But the next gen AirTag is supposed to prevent that. So I get that for the stalking issue, but that’s not ideal if you want to keep it in your own car. "