Tankevækkende illustration af Apple i det financielle marked
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Apple just announced that its high-yield Savings account has racked up more than $10 billion in deposits since launching in April. This means that Apple now runs one of the largest neobanks in the world 🤯
We can remember that the long-trailed Apple Card Savings Account powered by Goldman Sachs was launched in mid-April with a headline-grabbing 4.15% annual percentage yield. That’s more than 10 times the national average 😳
During the launch of Apple Savings, I said that this product is going to be a hit simply because Apple’s convenience, customer experience, and brand trust is second to none.
4 months and $10 billion in deposits later, Apple is effectively running one of the biggest challenger banks in the world.
To put this into perspective:
- Monzo was founded in 2015 and now holds around $6B in customer deposits.
- Starling Bank was launched in 2014 and now has over $10B in deposits.
- Nubank, the biggest challenger bank in the world, was started back in 2013 and has amassed over $16B in customer deposits.
The key difference here is that Apple is just getting started.
More importantly, being the only player which controls both the hardware and the software side of its ecosystem and having more than 1.5 billion iPhone users & over 2 billion active devices, Apple has unbeatable leverage.
Zooming out, this is yet another good illustration of how carefully Apple is executing its long-term vision - block by block the tech giant is building the Apple Finance Empire that's going to disrupt the financial services space as we know it.
In other words, Apple is building JPMorgan 2.0.
This is exactly why in his shareholder letter, the CEO of JPM Jamie Dimon called out Apple by name as one of their biggest competitors.
Tech is finally eating Wall Street 🍎
Welcome to the future of finance.
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Det kan være, at Tim Cook hver nat drømmer om, hvilket land han vil købe.
Eller hvad med at oprette et hold i Formel e? Apple ved jo allerede et og andet om batterier, og samtidig kan de så få så meget erfaring på bil-området, at de kan afgøre, om der skal lanceres en Apple Car, eller ej.
Tonny Freimanis skrev:Det kan være, at Tim Cook hver nat drømmer om, hvilket land han vil købe.
Eller hvad med at oprette et hold i Formel e? Apple ved jo allerede et og andet om batterier, og samtidig kan de så få så meget erfaring på bil-området, at de kan afgøre, om der skal lanceres en Apple Car, eller ej.
Hvis Apple køber et land = fuck det bliver dyrt at bo i.
LV426 skrev:Tonny Freimanis skrev:Det kan være, at Tim Cook hver nat drømmer om, hvilket land han vil købe.
Eller hvad med at oprette et hold i Formel e? Apple ved jo allerede et og andet om batterier, og samtidig kan de så få så meget erfaring på bil-området, at de kan afgøre, om der skal lanceres en Apple Car, eller ej.
Hvis Apple køber et land = fuck det bliver dyrt at bo i.
Til gengæld bliver det brugervenligt. :0)
Lidt spøjst og samtidigt ikke spor overraskende, at hele Apples gigantiske formue er bygget over et skarpt fokus på brugervenlighed. Et kæmpe bevis på, at kunden altid har ret, selv når hverken virksomhed eller kundepotentialet egentlig ikke engang forlods kender “behovet” - men naturligvis med den ekstra pointe, at det kun virker profiterende, når virksomheden selv er klogt proaktiv på det punkt.
Eller på mærskt: Rettidig omhu.